Smart Alley devotes itself to fostering a community space through the revitalization of neglected alley spaces. We travel house to house, meeting with neighborhood communities and pitching innovative ideas on how to restore their alleyways. Shared goals, connection, and planning are often all that neighbors need to empower themselves and work together to build both a stronger neighborhood and a stronger community.
Your donation will be allocated to funding community projects and highly appreciated by our team.
We want to make every new addition or transformation as easy as possible. By funding and providing any resources necessary for community projects, we leave the creativity to you. We will also petition the local city council for tasks such as renaming or repaving your alley spaces. Whatever needs you would like met, we will make it our task to ensure that they will be effectively carried out and you will not have to worry about it.
Through the use of a message board, we hope to communicate with you and your community members regularly in organizing projects or events in your neighborhoods. Hosting events such as cleaning parties, barbeques, or art projects, will provide a time and place for the neighborhood community to come together in an effort to clean up your alley spaces.
By hearing what you desire, we can work with you to design any lively creations, such as bench gardens or murals. After designing the creation, we will create and implement it as an effort to brighten up your alley spaces. With these furnishings, we hope to make your alley spaces feel like home, acting as a place where you can openly collaborate with friends, family, and your community.